
Multithreading in python

So here we will start learning about multithreading in python. First of all we need to learn why actually we need multithreading or multiprocessing. what happens we write code run it and it shares a lot of common data with it is were getting processed one by one also some times what happens we need some process to be run in the background and another process in the foreground. This is were we need to learn about multithreading.  In multithreading we create a multiple threads of some part of main process which is being processed parallelly. which drastically improves the performance of the program. Now the main question how we achieve multithreading so that we can make out program much faster then ever. For now I'm using python programming language to demonstrate the simple example and with another post we will learn deep about the concepts of mutithreading and multiprocessing about how we share the data and variable from and one thread to another thread , how we can make out progra...